Health Benefits of Curry Leaf (Curry Patta)

The curry tree (Murraya koenigii) is a tropical to sub-tropical tree in the family Rutaceae, which is native to India.

Its leaves are used in many dishes in India and neighbouring countries. Often used in curries, the leaves generally go by the name "curry leaves", though they are also translated as "sweet neem leaves" in most Indian languages (as opposed to ordinary neem leaves which are bitter).

Curry leaf is an essential ingredient in Indian cooking especially in South India. Curry leaf has many medicinal properties. It stimulates digestive enzymes and helps break down food more easily. Have a glass of buttermilk mixed with a little hing (asafoetida) with a few curry leaves thrown after meal for good digestion.

Health Benefits of Curry Leaf (Curry Patta):-

  • A good remedy for nausea and indigestion. Extract juice of curry leaves, squeeze a lime and add a pinch of sugar.
  • Chew a few leaves every day to lose weight.
  • Curry leaves are also known to improve eyesight, so make sure you do not throw away the leaves while eating. It is also believed to prevent cataract.
  • Curry leaves are also good for hair growth and colour. If you don't like its raw taste, you can buy the curry leaf powder widely available in the market and have it with dosa or hot rice. You can also make it at home. This will prevent pre mature greying of hair.
  • Alternatively, you can also add a few curry leaves to your hair oil and boil it for a few minutes. Applying this hair tonic will keep your hair healthy.
  • These are just few of the many benefits that the curry leaves possesses. Include this in your daily diet for better health.

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